Urban Legend or Untold Truth?

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area in the North Atlantic Ocean, to the east of Miami, Florida. Mysterious disappearances of aircrafts and ships in the Bermuda Triangle during the 20th century lead people to believe that the area is paranormal. 

What really led to curiosity about the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance of Flight 19 in December of 1945. Flight 19 was a group of five United States Navy torpedo bomber aircrafts on a training mission. All fourteen people on board the aircrafts were lost. A crew of thirteen was launched from the Naval Air Station Banana River in search of Flight 19. Their boat disappeared and so did the thirteen on it.

The next disappearance was of Star Tiger, a BSAA passenger aircraft in the early morning of January 30, 1948. The aircraft received many troubles, including unexpected fuel deficiencies, and multiple stops that had to be made due to bad weather. Things really got bad for Star Tiger when their Radio Officer, Robert Tuck attempted to reach out a signal to Bermuda but couldn’t seem to. Trying again multiple times without success, he declared it a state of emergency. The aircraft soon disappeared and the plane’s loss was reported at 440 miles northeast of Bermuda. 

In March of 1948, Albert Snider and two other men disappeared while fishing. During the same year, an Airborne Transport DC-3 heading to Miami disappeared. The Year after was when the Star Ariel, another BSAA passenger aircraft, disappeared. 

People have made many hypotheses about why exactly it is that so many have disappeared in the Triangle.

One of the explanations for the disappearances is that signals are getting dramatically weakened because of leftover technology from the lost continent of Atlantis, given the fact that, if it was truly a place at some point, its technology would have been far advanced to ours. I personally believe that I do not have enough information on Atlantis yet so I neither have belief or disbelief in the continent.

I think that there is so much to be revealed about the Bermuda Triangle. I plan on spending part of my career discovering wonderful, or not so, things about it as an investigative journalist, but this is all I can tell you right now.

Photo Credit: The Bermuda Triangle, by Charles Berlitz

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