Ms. Rita Beynon

Who is Rita Beynon? Santa Barbara Junior High’s New Dean of Students!

Rita Beynon helps educate students of all abilities, helping them to set and achieve goals both in and out of the classroom, improving upon their weaknesses, and supporting them in learning their strengths. She also has a life of her own and in her life she has 3 small children. They are girls; the girls are 1, 3, and 5. And she has 2 Vizsla dogs. 

According to Ms. Beynon, she has a lot of experience with mental health issues. She’s also a Natural Health Consultant specializing in Naturopathic Nutrition as well as a Personal Trainer – so she knows how to stay fit and healthy. She helps other people with diets and lifestyle changes in an effort to make the body and mind achieve its idle state of wellness.

Her favorite foods are sushi and Brussel’s sprouts, and she rates her job an 8 out of 10. A person she talks to a lot in school is Ms. Villaseñor. Ms. Villaseñor is the Assistant Principal in the office with Ms. Beynon.

If she could travel anywhere in the world she would go to Italy and Egypt. Her favorite TV show is NCIS New Orleans. She celebrates Christmas and Easter along with many other holidays. The best thing she sees on campus is kids giving high fives to teachers and staff.

Alessandro Perez, Anthony Rodriguez, and Jose Rodriguez contributed to this article.

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